Bids and Private Public Associates (APP)

In HLB we advise our clients in all matters and stages of the development of a project (from the beginning of the public tender or the structuring of the private APP initiative until they reach the operation of the same), including advice on:

  • The execution of due diligence processes of the specific project, including all the corporate, contractual, environmental, labor, regulatory, permit, tax and other aspects, and in the elaboration of the risk matrix associated with the project.
  • The structuring of private tenders originated by non-governmental entities for the award of projects, under different award schemes.
  • The preparation of offers for public tenders.
  • The structuring of private initiative projects (PPP), from the prefeasibility stage, through the structuring of the concession contract, the presentation of the proposal to the government, until the implementation of the project.
  • The corporate structuring of project companies, as well as agreements between shareholders, and joint venture, consortium and temporary union contracts.
  • The structuring and negotiation of project contracts, such as EPC, O&M, off-take, supply, etc.
  • The structuring of financing schemes and capital linking.
  • The preparation, negotiation and closing of all financing documents, including the guarantees associated with it.

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